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Consulting - Coastal, Port and Marine Engineering

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Dr. Dilip Barua, Ph.D., P.Eng, M.ASCE

Consulting - Coastal, Port and Marine Engineering


1 to 5 of 50+ total
Posted By Dilip Barua 07-19-2024 12:25 PM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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Daniel, maybe someone can share something more to your query. But, if not seen, you can consult an early FEMA Report, Managing Floodplain Development. Or consult their other recent guidelines including the one on 2015 Guidance for Flood Risk. Dilip --------- Dr. Dilip K Barua, Ph.D Website Links ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 07-15-2024 11:47 AM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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Bill, I have not seen the cited ASCE manual, couldn't access it. You have pointed out something very important – that is not only limited to the model simulation of navigational channel sedimentation – but also in other areas of water modeling. As far as I know, the Verification & Validation (V&V, as ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 07-05-2024 10:49 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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It's an important topic of practical interest – and many earlier threads and discussion posts on this Forum have materials relevant to this topic. I like to add a little to what Mitch has discussed: . . . finding a value proposition . . . the counterparty . . . scarcity mentality . . . by cooperating ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 06-24-2024 10:57 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Congratulations, Christopher on your assuming the new role of a manager. Hope, it would lead to the fulfillment of your ambition and aspiration. Also, as in the Leadership and Management – hope that the expectations of – to do things right – set by a leader – to do right things – would not fail ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 06-18-2024 01:39 PM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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They're good queries. Further, here are something I like to share. As you know, environmental loads of various sorts are the major players in the scenarios of coastal highway embankments and bridges. Among the Force Fields in a Coastal System – one can mention episodes of extreme events like ...