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Mr. Alexander V. Granato, A.M.ASCE

Contact Details

Indianapolis, IN
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Mr. Alexander Granato, A.M.ASCE

My Content

1 to 20 of 50+ total
Posted By Alexander Granato 11-17-2023 10:18 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hello David, Thank you very much for finding my "blogs" here on ASCE. Although I needed to stop and focus on my first full-time job here in Indiana, I hope to continue helping ASCE directly down the road. I have been thinking about how soon to take the PE Exam, but I did not consider ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 11-13-2023 09:16 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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I have attached my resume. Thank you so much for this review! ------------------------------ Alexander Granato Transportation Planning Engineer Indianapolis IN [email protected] A.M.ASCE ------------------------------
Posted By Alexander Granato 11-13-2023 06:38 PM
Found In Library: Career By Design
Posted By Alexander Granato 06-11-2023 10:52 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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As an intern across universities, what I enjoyed was getting a glimpse of what the real world would be like regarding workloads and projects. Each week involved the same primary responsibilities and meeting with the same people, but I received a new project from time to time that matched my skillset. ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 05-28-2023 10:54 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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"ChatGPT and other text-generating bots aren't intended to be correct or honest about anything"?? That reminds me of how a version of ChatGPT designed for Snapchat is turning out: I also think the squandering potential of this AI is a two-sided coin. Already, ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 05-01-2023 08:02 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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While I was working on my Capstone Project, I was on a team of six, with only one girl throughout the entire year. We did not ever bring this up to each other, although the class did have a sufficient male-to-female ratio. Now that I'm working full-time, I am working between three projects involving ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 04-16-2023 11:09 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hello everyone, I have followed several of these example preparations for interviews myself over the years, and I think they have been pretty helpful. A good intuition on what questions to expect from the interviewer, along with pages of notes has allowed me to work through provide plenty of personal, ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 03-26-2023 10:16 AM
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Hello Chris, I have been keeping my camera on at all my meetings. Since everyone else has theirs on for these weekly meetings, I come prepared to take notes and contribute what I need to each time. On another note, no one has mentioned etiquette about leaving a microphone on yet. ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 03-19-2023 08:19 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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I'm using BST to log all my hours into, and I'm using mostly the same strategy you had as an intern. However, I reach the office slightly before 9:00 am so that I can go over emails and other concerns before I start tracking times on my Notepad. That way, I can focus one project or meeting at a time, ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 03-05-2023 09:53 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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My most valuable lesson as an intern was how the transition from classes to work would focus on projects. While working as a Student Utilities Assistant, I was entrusted with various projects, like setting up light sensors around the office, and co-predicting energy usage for a year. Although I had weekly ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 02-23-2023 08:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hello Heidi, I've come to realize that companies consider employee's resumes a database for relevant work history and skills. To that end, I have a resume that serves as a database to every piece work history I have collected since high school. On that resume, every piece of work ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 02-12-2023 04:23 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Ever since the summer of 2021, I switched from photo-manipulation to videos for artwork. Andn the months that passed, what type of video tended to switch based on ideas typed down and time available. Here is my final project in the class that inspired me (reposted after April 2019): https ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 01-22-2023 01:55 PM
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Hello Christopher, I have always thought of interviewing as the time to seek a job. Due to the time I have sent so far attending universities and career fairs, I have considered the last several years time to either work at a job, look for a job, or work as a full-time student. To that end, now ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 01-15-2023 11:04 AM
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My New Year's resolutions are to 1) find a full-time job, now that I have graduated again; and 2) to take every chance I get to reconnect with family. A potential third is to reach the requirements for fulfilling a PE exam. ------------------------------ Alexander Granato A.M.ASCE Student Bexley ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 12-04-2022 12:22 PM
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Hello Samantha, I seem to be both late to this party, and early for the next one. Although studying in a group has helped me get through homework problems that I was stuck on, it was important to me to do the work first. When I was still getting my Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, it could ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 11-21-2022 09:54 AM
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During my time obtaining my Master's degree, I've been meeting up with a colleague who is also working towards Statistics-Analytics. Although he has more experience than me, that isn't for Civil Engineering, he's been showing me more lessons about long-term insight outside of work. I have been as ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 11-07-2022 11:47 AM
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You're very welcome, Christopher! I'm glad you remembered it was ASCE day over the weekend. ------------------------------ Alexander Granato A.M.ASCE Student Bexley OH [email protected] ------------------------------
Posted By Alexander Granato 11-06-2022 10:29 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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While I was working as a Student Utilities Assistant, I had a weekly responsibility of keeping a database up-to-date with all the hundreds of monthly energy bills a campus gets. We had documents containing instructions for all of the places and times of the month to check, and the database itself was ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 10-30-2022 11:24 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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The organization I've been using for all my classes involved two-way organization and memory. Every time I finished a semester, the content of my classes would be split into digital and physical format, so that I would have one copy of each important document. The physical documents were kept inside ...
Posted By Alexander Granato 10-30-2022 11:24 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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I don't remember how many, but we still have all kinds of caps kept away. ------------------------------ Alexander Granato A.M.ASCE Student Bexley OH [email protected] ------------------------------