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Here's a brief overview: Soil Compressibility 1. *Definition*: Soil compressibility refers to the reduction in soil volume due to applied loads, causing settlement and deformation. 2. *Factors Affecting Compressibility*: Moisture content, soil type, density, and stress history....
For Risk Category II, Importance Factor of 1.0 Nonstructural Component in a Seismic Category C site, ASCE 7 Chapter 13 (Table 13.1-1) requires positive attachment of the component but otherwise is excluded from the requirements of the chapter. If that nonstructural component is analyzed for...
I think I have answered this question for myself. When looking at ASCE 7-22 Figure 30.4-1 Note 4 they indicate +GCp values use qz and -GCp values use qh. I think +GCp are representing windward walls and -GCp are representing side and leeward walls. I was incorrectly considering both +GCp and ...
In ASCE 7-22 Ch 30 Pt 2 is the criteria for components and cladding for a tall building with h > 60 ft. The equations use q and qi, and in the case of the walls (zone 4 or 5) the values are dependent upon whether it is a windward, leeward or side walls. In the case of Components and Cladding we...
The vertical combinations requirements are intended for the case where one lateral force resisting system is used for an upper portion of a structure, and a second (or third) is used for the lower level(s). As an example, consider a three-story light wood (or CFS) frame structure mounted on top...
Hello I would like to understand the difference between these two clauses in ASCE7-22 R, Cd , and Ω0 Values for Vertical Combinations R, Cd , and Ω0 Values for Horizontal Combinations
The first interpretation is correct. Each story-length of column is treated as a unique element. In this case, the first story column supports two floors and the second story does not. -- Ronald Hamburger, SE Consulting Principal Simpson Gumpertz & Heger --
have a technical question about provision 4.7.3 in ASCE 7-22 (see provision below). "4.7.3 Heavy Live Loads Live loads that exceed 100 lb/ft2 (4.79 kN/m2) shall not be reduced. EXCEPTION: Live loads for members supporting two or more floors are permitted to be reduced by a maximum of 20%...