Dear Alan,
Please find the Correspondence details of Pre-tensioned Vendor's / agencies / faculties for your kind reference. Either you can send SMS / email / WhatsApp as per your convenience for better reach.
[Name] Dr Anal Sheth
[Work info]
iastructe@...[Mobile] +919512180234
[Name] VSL Prabhu Prabhakar
[Mobile] +919949199947
[Name] Utracon Rameshbabu
[Mobile] +919848998676
[Name] Urav Patel
[Work info] Director, PTSI
[Mobile] +919377173193
[Work] +917567878798
[Main] +912652341298
info@...[Name] Ansa Europostech Technical Director
[Mobile] +919656588444
[Name] Teck9 Prabhakaran
[Mobile] +919490189736
I hope it suffice your requirement.
President-ASCE India Section (South Region)
Original Message:
Sent: 04-11-2021 11:13 PM
From: Alan Verghese Ittyeipe
Subject: Study on 'Viability of Precast Concrete Construction in Indian Construction sector'
Dear all,
This is a gentle reminder regarding my request for your participation in the questionnaire survey as part of my M.Tech project on 'Viability of Precast Concrete Construction for Buildings in Indian Construction sector'. I would be grateful if all those who have significant experience in the construction industry and have been associated with precast concrete construction for building and infrastructure projects, could kindly spare your valuable time to be a part of the survey. The link for the survey is :
Also, it would have been helpful if you could kindly help me in connecting to professionals in the precast industry within your contacts, by sharing this survey to them. Thank you in advance.
Alan Verghese Ittyeipe S.M.ASCE
Original Message:
Sent: 03-26-2021 02:18 AM
From: Alan Verghese Ittyeipe
Subject: Study on 'Viability of Precast Concrete Construction in Indian Construction sector'
Dear all,
Myself Alan, currently doing M. Tech in Structural Engineering & Construction Management. My M.Tech project is being done on 'Viability of Precast Concrete Construction for Buildings in Indian Construction sector'. Precast Concrete Construction in comparison to cast in situ construction practices offers several benefits but it's promotion in building construction is slow in India. As part of my M. Tech project, I am carrying out a questionnaire survey to explore the factors, drivers and barriers, influencing the growth of Precast Concrete Construction for buildings in Indian construction sector.
Also, it would have been helpful if you could kindly help me in connecting to professionals in the precast industry within your contacts, by sharing this survey to them. Thank you in advance.
Thanks & Regards,
Alan Verghese Ittyeipe
Alan Verghese Ittyeipe S.M.ASCE