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Brenna Henry, A.M.ASCE

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Brenna Henry, A.M.ASCE

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Posted By Brenna Henry 06-27-2024 10:58 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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In school, I was dealing with a few chronic health conditions that had made perfect attendance unattainable for me. I'm glad I learned to take the time to take care of myself early on but, where I can, I try to limit time off to communicable issues and make other accomodations that don't eat into my ...
Posted By Brenna Henry 03-19-2024 03:35 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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That makes sense, I think I would have looked into it more closely if I needed an up to date resume. ------------------------------ Renn Henry Staff Engineer ------------------------------
Posted By Brenna Henry 03-19-2024 12:41 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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New York doesn't have that requirement or I'd be really out of luck! All of my experience was gained prior to taking the FE. ------------------------------ Renn Henry Staff Engineer ------------------------------
Posted By Brenna Henry 03-18-2024 10:58 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Congratulations Daniel!!! I don't have an answer but am in a similar situation with the EIT/EI. I procrastinated taking the FE quite a bit (do not recommend) and just took it a few months ago, a coworker told me I should add EIT to my email signature, but I never requested an EIT certificate because ...
Posted By Brenna Henry 03-11-2024 10:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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I would have appreciated it if I had a course like that. I'm currently just waiting for approval to sit for the P.E. (woo!) and I feel like I ought to hire a lawyer to review all of this stuff before I have my P.E. and start signing anything. ------------------------------ Renn Henry Staff Engineer ...