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Mr. Andre Newinski, S.E., M.ASCE

Structural Engineer: ASCE 7-28 Voting Member Main Committee and Subcommittee,

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Avenida Venancio Aires 796
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Santo Angelo
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Mr. Andre Newinski, S.E., M.ASCE

Structural Engineer: ASCE 7-28 Voting Member Main Committee and Subcommittee,

My Content

1 to 20 of 23 total
Posted By Andre Newinski 04-20-2024 06:27 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Great question, Chad. 3D Structures is essential in order to estabilish creativity in the SE Profession. let's wait for see how this ends now.. Thank you, Andre. ------------------------------ Andre ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 03-10-2024 03:23 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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good point, Daniel! an essential self-reflection enabling us all to clarify this situation. Perhaps, there is the possibility of risks associated with unknow things when signing/stamping attitude, than we should not supposed to be unconscious about this.. and the Engineer needs address its concerns ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 03-26-2023 05:50 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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I believe it might be important to have your screen there, but Cristopher said the if the meeting objectives is to catch the message and than you can act upon information generated by the group is ok!! So sometimes the content is more important than appearances (so depend how you view the meeting is ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 11-20-2022 10:24 AM
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Mr Alex! Thanks for share youR experience as well. .. I was involved with govt bridges and overpass designs during my "Supervised Internship Training Program" , before my 1ST Project. They were operating with RM Bridge V8i in Deltacon Engenharia S/S Ltda DELTACON (Bentley SYSTEMS in BRAZIL) and with ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 11-19-2022 09:44 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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My presence as Structural Engineer in the 1st Work was loaded with RESPONSABILTY 💪🏻 and LOVE ❤️ and some CONTROVERSIAL ATTITUDES from this professor might remains in my mind till today. . . I think he was not like the idea of change things (I was thinking if I should post this here, but since ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 11-06-2022 10:23 AM
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Hello Renan First and foremost create a VISION or Purpose which you would like to establish with your Resume, reaching the outside world with a great effect. It consist on the SUBJECTS you want to accomplish in this Important Moment of your life, while searching for a Job Interview connecting ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 09-14-2022 06:33 PM
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Hi Samantha Strauss! A lot in Civil Engineering graduation is personalized by the student. Because Civil Engineering has many Areas to specialize. You will be wherever you want! So I would like to share this external link with you, it can helps as well :) ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 04-18-2022 11:36 AM
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Yes Christopher!! That balance is the key to find a fair option. In some ways can be difficult, because appearances can be deceiving. Although it is Vital to get along with it - We play a major role now, since for Engineers, in a all of their designs, We are both are encouraged to try establish ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 04-14-2022 10:10 AM
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Astonishing point! Christopher Seigel Professionalism it has something related to the practice of an Activity and with good performance (with skill instead of amateurism). Well ,this can change in terms of purpose (I agree with Jesse).. If, we understand that "an Activity" can also ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 03-31-2022 03:18 PM
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Hi Nicolai! Glad to hear you!! this is the right moment to talk About it!! Although in my country (Brazil), it hasn't the application progress to evidence & cover it in a appropriate way. And therefore is difficult to talk about it by my personal experiences with A.I. So, What I Only could do is to observe ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 03-31-2022 07:53 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hi Salvador! The Brain is one the most intimidating thing and it is, of course, "a powerful tool" that an Engineer has to use (as you consider it a friendly one). We are problem solvers by default, but we can also put ourselves in Artists and Idealists roles when designing a more human society, "this ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 03-19-2022 10:20 AM
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Lets communicate Andrew! They key to be found is to find ways that not reject our Concerns! Maybe the answer still remains inside of you. Since you expressed in that way... We know that when we express ourselves truthfully, we can authentically connect to the world! and our friends here can ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 03-04-2022 10:40 AM
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so the question is... Would this extremely eccentric very tensioned structure works fine on a seismic zone as well?😂 learning to swim is always important, see.. 😊 ------------------------------ Andre Newinski S.E., A.M.ASCE Engenheiro Estrutural AN Santo Angelo ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 03-04-2022 10:08 AM
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not soooooooooo serious until you see this "new type of meme" . . . 🤣 (the truth is.. I probably have seen all seasons) future world vision can't escape too haha ------------------------------ Andre Newinski S.E., A.M.ASCE Engenheiro Estrutural AN Santo Angelo ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 02-13-2022 11:16 AM
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Hi Dan!! Art is never an outdated trend. I think some organizations in the world are collaborating with Others with similar views & Individuals . Well in Engineering now a days, we are now looking for "performance objectives". Apply this logic to curriculum composition, you might get ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 01-19-2022 01:45 PM
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"I'm afraid we'll be deviating a bit from standard analysis procedures today, Gordon" ------------------------------ Andre Newinski S.E., A.M.ASCE Engenheiro Estrutural AN Santo Angelo ------------------------------
Posted By Andre Newinski 01-19-2022 11:52 AM
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or When you have to design "the column" outside the Bridge Structure... HaHa! ------------------------------ Andre Newinski S.E., A.M.ASCE Engenheiro Estrutural AN Santo Angelo ------------------------------
Posted By Andre Newinski 01-17-2022 06:54 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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I would to answer this question with a perspective from a Brazilian Engineer Experience. While in Civil Engineering School (University), in order to obtain a Engineer Diploma (University Degree) - Here it takes a minimum of 5 years of dedication! You'll probably face some possibilities: → You ...
Posted By Andre Newinski 01-17-2022 05:28 PM
Found In Library: Career By Design
Posted By Andre Newinski 01-09-2022 07:46 PM
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"on critical thinking" Hi Daniel, thank you very much for posting that question. For structural designers, I think it starts when they consider exploring more complex & unusual structural shapes than used before. The use of non-ordinary geometries makes you wonder why some structures existed in ...