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Michael Clinton Consulting Llc
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Mr. Michael Clinton, P.E., F.ASCE

Michael Clinton Consulting Llc


Michael J. Clinton is the President of Michael Clinton Consulting, L.L.C., a sole proprietorship in Las Vegas, Nevada, where he provides consulting engineering services to clients throughout the southwest. Throughout his entire career, beginning with being a surveyor and inspector during construction of Glen Canyon Dam, its power plant and transmission system, Mike has specialized in the operation of the River, management of its water quality and determination of entitlements to the waters of the Colorado River. Previously, he served as General Manager of the Imperial Irrigation District, California, where he was responsible for managing one of the largest irrigation districts in the United States and the sixth largest electric utility in the State of California. He oversaw a staff of over 1,000 employees and an annual budget exceeding $300 million.From 1987 to 1995, Mike was Senior Vice President of Bookman-Edmonston Engineering in Glendale, California. In that position, he developed and oversaw processing of authorizing legislation, permitting and implementation of client projects throughout the western States. From 1961 to 1987, Mike was with the United States Department of the Interior – Bureau of Reclamation and Geological Survey. ·        1961 to 1964 – Construction inspector and surveyor during construction of Glen Canyon Dam, Power Plant and Transmission Line Systems;·        1965 to 1966 – Hydrologic Technician measuring and evaluating stream flow data for the Utah District, USGS;·        1967 – 1979 – Civil Engineering Technician and Civil Engineer in Reclamation’s Salt Lake City, Boulder City and Washington DC Offices; During the 1971 through 1974 period, Mike was Reclamations representative dealing with the International Boundary and Water Commission regarding measures to manage the salinity of Colorado River waters going to Mexico (Helped manage and  develop Minutes 218, 241 & 242);·        1979 to 1984 – Manager of the Federal/State Colorado River Water Quality Improvement Program – Oversaw the implementation of the injection well brine disposal strategy for the Paradox Unit; and,·        1984 to 1987 – Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of the Department of the Interior – Provided trouble shooting, policy formation and technical guidance for the Office of the Secretary. Mike holds a B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Utah; is a Graduate of the Federal Executive Institute in Charlottesville, VA; is a Fellow and Life Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and is licensed to practice as a Civil Engineer in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Texas, Wyoming and other Western States.He and his wife, Susan, have been married for over 50 years – they have seven children and 12 grandchildren.