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Univ Of South Carolina
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Michael Meadows, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE

Univ Of South Carolina


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Posted By Michael Meadows 12-25-2018 10:39 PM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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​My experience is that you would design for average daily flow (ADF) multiplied by a peaking factor that is set by local regulations. I expect peaking factor values vary. What values have others in your location used? ------------------------------ Michael Meadows Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE Assoc Professor ...
Posted By Michael Meadows 04-06-2017 03:22 PM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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I truly appreciate everyone's comments and suggestions. A special 'Thank You' to everyone. I will continue working on this and occasionally post updates. ------------------------------ Michael Meadows P.E., F.ASCE Assoc Professor Univ Of South Carolina Columbia SC ------------------------- ...
Posted By Michael Meadows 03-31-2017 03:42 PM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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To All, I am involved with a local group trying to better understand the hydrology of the October 2015 flood that impacted South Carolina from roughly Columbia to the coast. Different sources indicate the rain was on the order of a 1,000 event. During computer simulation studies to recreate the ...