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Arcadis U.S., Inc.
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Mr. Michael Devuono, P.E., M.ASCE

Arcadis U.S., Inc.


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Posted By Michael Devuono 10-07-2020 08:36 AM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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Philly's green roof density bonus has been so successful that most new eligible developments take advantage of the program. It's good for the city's efforts, often faced backlash from residents as the added density is typically occurring in already dense neighborhoods (its a parking thing.) Mike ...
Posted By Michael Devuono 08-06-2020 09:18 AM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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Definitely not new. We've been doing similar things for years for diseases such as small pox, polio, SARS, etc. ------------------------------ Michael Devuono P.E., M.ASCE Senior Water Engineer Arcadis U.S., Inc. Philadelphia PA ------------------------------
Posted By Michael Devuono 09-20-2018 03:26 PM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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In the ultra-urban setting, such as Philly, NYC, Baltimore, etc., we know that the sweet spot for having a meaningful impact on CSO's is managing ~50-55% of the impervious surface areas within the area tributary to an outfall. We also know that only ~25% of that area is area available in the public ROW, ...