Welcome again everyone to EWRI Collaborate. Here are some simple steps you can follow to quickly take advantage of the new system:
1. You have been subscribed to the Daily Digest version of the Open Forum, meaning you'll get one email each day containing all of the previous day's posts. If you'd like to change that to real time (you'll get an email every time something new is posted), no emails (you can view the discussions online but won't receive email), or unsubscribe, use the My subscriptions link found to the right of this post.
2. If you have an industry-related question on your mind and you'd like input from your peers, post the question here, on the Open Forum and watch the responses come flooding in.
3. To respond to a question, use the "Reply to discussion" link found to the right of this post to send your reply to the group (we encourage this if your response will help others and add to the long-term care body of knowledge); or "Reply to sender" to send a private offline message to the author of the message.
4. Missed a couple of posts in a discussion? Click the "View thread" link found next to each post to see the original question and all replies.
5. Update your profile. You can click on the link to import your LinkedIn profile to save uploading your photo and bio again if you already have it on LinkedIn. If you don't have a LinkedIn profile, simply enter your information on the profile page.
6. Use the member directory to search for at least three of your peers and send them a "Contact Request". You can also search for me, Veronique Nguyen, and send me a Contact request by clicking on the link next to my name in the search results.
7. You may be prompted to log in the first time. If you are on a private computer, please check the "Remember me" option at login to make it fast and easy to respond going forward.
If you have questions or suggestions for improving this new member benefit, please use the "Reply to Sender" link, next to this message to reply to me directly (vs. replying to the group).
Veronique Nguyen
American Society of Civil Engineers
Reston VA
Original Message:
Sent: 05-31-2014 13:11
From: Brian Parsons
Subject: Welcome to EWRI Collaborate
Dear ASCE-EWRI Members:
Welcome to the premiere launch of EWRI COLLABORATE! This new trial online collaborative website results from your input to EWRI's strategic plan. You spoke through emails and surveys and the Board acted. We're now trying a new web platform aimed to better position EWRI as your "Trusted Professional Association with a Dynamic Digital Portal for delivering credible cutting edge technical Information".
You can now participate in discussion threads or start new conversations. You may receive real time, or daily digests or you may turn this feature off. You decide by customizing your settings. There are many added bonuses like the ability to share large files without cluttering your inbox and instant access to your ASCE-EWRI contacts. Try it and see for yourself.
We understand the value that EWRI members put on the networking and educational opportunities provided through our conferences, events and online and on-demand workshops and webinars throughout the year. To build on that value, we are excited to enter into this new phase of member collaboration by providing EWRI members an environment to connect, engage and share experiences, industry information and best practices, seek and share advice, exchange resources and build relationships. We look forward to seeing
Brian Parsons
Director, ASCE-EWRI
Brian Parsons
Eng. Director
Reston VA
(703) 295-6071