Discussion: View Thread

  • 1.  Welcome to your new ASCE Collaborate online community!

    Posted 01-18-2017 06:57 PM
    Edited by Veronique Nguyen 01-18-2017 10:29 PM

    You have been placed in one or more communities based on your member profile. You can now connect with colleagues, participate in discussions with subject matter experts; access a library of resources; and post images, videos and documents to share with others.

    You may receive real-time, daily, or consolidated digests of community activity, or you may turn this feature off. You decide by customizing your settings.  (TIP:  Some companies have very strict firewalls that may interfere with your ability to receive messages.  Please be sure to ask your IT department to http://collaborate.asce.org on the safe senders list.

    Your default notifications have been set to Daily Consolidated – this means you will receive one email message a day, with a recap of the discussions, announcements, and shared library documents from each of your communities. You can easily change your subscription to Daily, if you wish to get separate notifications for each community (see item #2 below), weekly, or no emails.


    Here’s how you get started! 


    1. Sign in at http://collaborate.asce.org , using your ASCE username and password by clicking on the ‘Sign in’ button located on the upper right hand corner of the page. You may look up your username and password at https://secure.asce.org/ascewebsite/Secure/SignIn/SignIn.aspx. NOTE: You must be an ASCE member to log in to the site. 

    2. Complete your profile (on the upper right hand corner of the page). Your colleagues will want to know a little bit about you.  Share something new about yourself and upload a photo. TIP: If you have a LinkedIn® account, import your info from LinkedIn®.
    Take this time to also update your privacy, and community notifications settings under Profile>My Account> Privacy Settings & Community Notifications

    3. Post a new message. Have a question or an issue to discuss? Your colleagues may have the answer!  Go to the Communities tab at the top of the page and select My Communities in the drop-down menu.  From here, you can view the communities that you belong to.  Select a community and check out the Discussion tab.  You can begin to engage with colleagues by clicking on ‘Post New Message’ on the right-hand sidebar.  NOTE: Discussions are moderated – so your post will not appear in real time.

    4. Engage in a discussion. To reply to your ASCE Colleagues, simply click on the discussion under the Thread Subject and click ‘Reply to Discussion’ on the right-hand sidebar. NOTE: Discussions are moderated – so your post will not appear in real time.

    Access Documents. A variety of documents may be shared with your community.  You can share newsletters, activity flyers, and more that can easily be viewed and shared within your community.

    5. Share. If you find something useful on ASCE Collaborate, we hope you will share something of your own! You might even ask colleagues for feedback on your shared resource.  To share a document, go to Libraries, then Add a New Entry.


    We have also included a Welcome to ASCE Collaborate slideshow, to help you navigate through this new site. You can find it in your community library tab.


    Join Other Communities:

    There are a variety of forums you can join! You can join them from the ASCE Collaborate homepage by clicking on Communities> My Communities> Join an Open Forum.

    Technical Open Forums:

    Other Open Forums:

    We are excited to offer ASCE Collaborate to provide you an environment to connect, engage, and share experiences and best practices, and provide a place for you to seek and share advice, exchange resources, and build relationships. Join the discussion today!


    Veronique Nguyen
    Online Community Manager
    American Society of Civil Engineers
    (703) 295-6209

  • 2.  RE: Welcome to your new ASCE Collaborate online community!

    Posted 01-19-2017 08:05 PM
    Thanks You 

    Roger Helgoth P.E., M.ASCE
    President Emeritus
    Omaha NE