Dear EWRI members:
In the last few weeks, many EWRI members have expressed concern about the future of water resources and environmental professions because of recent actions at the federal government level. I would like to give you an update on how ASCE has responded.
New Resolutions
On February 3rd, 2017, the Executive Committee of the ASCE Board of Direction approved new resolutions on the role of science and engineering research by government organizations and on visas and national security, two emerging federal issues that impact the civil engineering profession and have been widely discussed both in the news and on social media. Both Resolutions urge a measured and balanced approach to these provocative issues. With the adoption of the resolutions, ASCE is now able to comment and offer suggestions to Congress and federal agencies regarding these timely issues.
Resolution 550, “The Role of Science and Engineering Research in the Government,” states ASCE’s position that scientists and engineers employed or funded by government organizations must be free to conduct their research unencumbered and permitted to communicate their unclassified findings in an unfettered and timely manner. The full resolution can be read here -
Resolution 551, “Visas and National Security,” states that ASCE urges the federal government, through policies and actions, to make it clear to the world that the United States continues to welcome qualified individuals from all countries to study, teach, work, create jobs and carry out research, scholarship and other activities that will enhance our health, safety and welfare. ASCE also urges the Administration, Congress, and interested parties to work together to develop sound policies that ensure our visa system prevents entry by those who wish to harm us, while maintaining the inflow of talent that has contributed so much to our nation. The full resolution can be read here -
Key Contacts Program
You as a citizen can join ASCE’s Key Contacts program and contact your legislators in support of ASCE priorities (
The actions above are consistent with EWRI’s objective and strategic goals:
EWRI’s Objective
As stated in Article II of the EWRI Bylaws, the objective of EWRI shall be "to provide for the technical, educational and professional needs of its members, and to serve the public in the use, conservation, and protection of natural resources and in the enhancement of human well-being by:
- Advancing the knowledge and improving the understanding of relevant sciences;
- Improving environmental and water resources practices;
- Partnering with national and international organizations;
- Providing public policy input to governmental decision-makers.”
EWRI’s Strategic Goals
- To be a trusted professional association with a dynamic digital portal for delivering credible cutting edge technical Information
- To have an efficient and productive organizational structure
- To be a value driven and value emphasis organization; a resource for employers and environmental and water professionals
- To have EWRI institute chapters as a connection to local practitioners and a forum for regional policy issues
- To strengthen and fully integrate the ASCE-EWRI relationship
I welcome discussion here in this forum or via direct message to me.
Best regards,
Cristiane Surbeck
ASCE-EWRI President-elect, 2016-2017
Associate Dean and Associate Professor
University of Mississippi