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I have referred these comments to the ASCE 7 Wind Loads Subcommittee, who will consider them at their upcoming meeting. -- Ronald Hamburger, SE Consulting Principal Simpson Gumpertz & Heger --
I am glad I found this discussion, because I came here to ask this exact question. If it hasn't been presented to the wind committee yet, I would like to also add to what Jori said above: The statement "designers of hangars should consider using the internal pressure coefficients in Table 26...
Here's a brief overview: Soil Compressibility 1. *Definition*: Soil compressibility refers to the reduction in soil volume due to applied loads, causing settlement and deformation. 2. *Factors Affecting Compressibility*: Moisture content, soil type, density, and stress history....
This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous Equipment: Non-Building Structure [Fin-Fan Cooler] identical to equipment shown in excerpt below from Figure 6.6 of the ASCE publication. (Cooler is mounted on an Outdoor Emergency Diesel Generator.) The entire equipment is part of...
Ronald, Thank you so much for this very helpful response! We looked into the ASCE 37-14 and the Eurocode EN-1991-1-6. Our met masts usually serve in unpopulated areas in deserts or mountainous regions. Their service life is usually less than 3 years. Having looked at the codes,...
An interior roof equipment screen wall can be designed for the forces in section 29.4.1, Rooftop Structures and Equipment for Buildings. This provision takes into account the elevation of the screen wall, which is the concern if using a freestanding wall load. This also answers the second part...
What is the proper wind load for a freestanding equipment screenwall in the field of a roof (ie outside edge zones 2 or 3)? Parapet pressure does not seem pertinent as the wall is a substantial distance from the edge of the structure. The freestanding wall load methodology seems somewhat...
Thank you for the question and observation. As you note the commentary is too rooted in history to determine why it was placced in commentary, rather than provisions. Regardless, I have forwraded your observation to the ASCE 7 Wind Committee for consideration of a possible move into the...