EWRI - Roman Aqueducts and Water Supply: Modern Lessons from Ancient Infrastructure
March 20, 2024 12-1pm
Virtual Event!

The Romans created history's most famous water infrastructure, with often mostly intact remains of aqueducts stretching across parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Learn valuable lessons that we can apply to today's water infrastructure design, even after 2,000 years have passed. How was drinking water sourced? Was it treated? Who had access to water & how? How was water used? And upon delivery, where did all this water go? What elements of Roman water infrastructure do we see present in modern engineering? Lastly, how in the world did this infrastructure last so long?
Speaker Info:
Dr. Hunt is a William Neal Reynolds Professor and Extension Specialist at North Carolina State University. His principal subject matter for research, teaching, and outreach is stormwater engineering, where his team has monitored and designed more than 300 SCMs across NC and beyond. He is author or co-author of more than 130 journal articles, 30 extension publications, and one book on Green Infrastructure Design (with Drs. Allen Davis of UMD and Rob Traver of Villanova). His second academic love is historic engineering, with a particular emphasis on Roman infrastructure. He has led multiple study tours to Southern Europe for professionals, in addition to teaching a study abroad class each May in either Italy or Spain. He is a registered PE in NC. Dr. Hunt is the proud, amused and often worn-out, father of 5.