Simple Registration

When:  Oct 16, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (ET)
Community:   Maryland Section

When & Where

Online Instructions:

Oct 16, 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM (ET)


This presentation provides an overview of the Hydraulic Modeling module developed by McCormick Taylor for Baltimore County Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPWT) Storm Drainage Asset Management (SDAM) Assessment Toolset. The protocol was developed for use by DPWT to perform comparative Level of Service (LOS) hydraulic analyses of their drainage infrastructure. This capacity analysis served as one piece of a larger rating system which the SDAM team developed to prioritize areas for future infrastructure improvement projects based on assessed level of service and cost and risk analyses. 
McCormick Taylor utilized county-provided GIS and field-collected data to hydraulically model six (6) pilot watersheds within the county. Incorporating lessons learned during the development of the pilot models, McCormick Taylor developed a protocol to be implemented county-wide for integration into their SDAM program.  The protocol specifies the use of ArcGIS ArcMap Software for data collection and refinement, and PCSWMM hydraulic modeling software for the hydraulic analyses. Since the development of McCormick Taylor’s protocol, DPW has continued modeling various watersheds throughout the county. The modeling results are being used to assess the need for and effectiveness of proposed green infrastructure (GI) implementations, and storm drain infrastructure improvement projects county-wide.
McCormick Taylor was also involved in the pilot program for GI Implementation.  An overview of the pilot GI project, including the design and construction process, and lessons learned will be discussed during this presentation.


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    All Registrants

Contact Information

Jessica Krueger

[email protected]