Marine Container Terminal Planning - Paid

Starts:  Sep 19, 2022 09:00 AM (ET)
Ends:  Jun 1, 2023 05:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  COPRI Events

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Save over 20% when you purchase this course through the Port Engineering Certificate Program

Sponsored by COPRI and the COPRI Ports and Harbors Committee Certificate in Port Engineering Task Committee


2.4 CEUs / 24 PDHs


Member $1545 | Non-member $1895


Thomas Ward, P.E., S.E., D.PE, M.ASCE

Purpose & background

This course will provide a fundamental understanding of how containerized commerce drives container terminal operations, and how those operations drive infrastructure. The course will show how the demands for capacity, efficiency, and safety drive equipment selection, properties, and impacts configuration and layout of wharf, yard, gate, rail, and support areas. It will also demonstrate how these demands impact building sizing, placement, and access patterns, human movements and activities on the terminal and the essentials of the basis of design. Although specific to containers, many of the concepts are applicable to the design of roll-on/roll-off, breakbulk, and dry bulk port operating facilities. Similarities and differences will be highlighted.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain how to develop concentrated, compact, and wide-area container-induced ground loads for containers in any storage configuration.
  • Explain how to develop the transverse geometrics of a container wharf as a function of vessel size, berth configuration, and transport equipment.
  • Develop the striping geometry of a container wharf as a function of transport equipment and circulation requirements.
  • Estimate the maximum practical throughput capacity of a container berth and wharf, and estimate the required cranes.
  • Estimate the ground area required to serve specific throughput demands.
  • Prepare a safe container yard ground striping plan for specific equipment types.
  • Prepare a safe layout for worker and equipment parking.
  • Estimate the working and storage track required to serve specific rail throughput demands.
  • Size the major elements of an entry/exit gate complex and prepare a safe flow plan.
  • Prepare a conceptual plan for the distribution of power and water across a terminal.
  • Correctly characterize the pavement domains in a terminal.

Who should attend?

  • Port authority master planners
  • Port authority engineering designers
  • Consulting port planners and engineers
  • Terminal development or operating company engineers
  • Goods movement transportation professionals

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