The Coming Age of Artificial Intelligence: The Future is Now

When:  May 19, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 02:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  COPRI Events
Artificial “machine” intelligence (AI) is playing an ever-greater role in our society. We are already using cruise control in our cars, automatic checkout at the drugstore, and are unable to live without our smartphones.

The discussion around AI is polarized; people think either machines will solve all problems for everyone, or they will lead us down a dark, dystopian path into total human irrelevance. Regardless of what you believe, the idea that we might bring forth intelligent creation can be intrinsically frightening.

In this session, acclaimed artificial intelligence pioneer and thought leader Amir Husain will prepare us for a brighter future; not with hyperbole about right and wrong, but with serious arguments about risk and potential.
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