COPRI LA Virtual Meeting - POLB Port-Wide Ground Motion Study Update

When:  Jun 30, 2021 from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  COPRI Public Events
Brought to you by the COPRI Los Angeles Professional Chapter
Chair - Reza Alamir, P.E., M.ASCE

Join us for a joint presentation on the Port of Long Beach Port-Wide Ground Motion Study Update and its Application to Port Facilities

About this event

Presentation Abstract:

The Port of Long Beach recently completed an update to the 2006 port-wide ground motion study (PWGMS). The recent PWGMS study incorporates the current state of knowledge related to the geology and seismology, including the use of Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF) Version 3 and the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) project named Enhancement of Next Generation Attenuation Relationships for Western US (NGA-West2). Ground motion contributions from a recently discovered fault in San Pedro Bay, namely the Wilmington fault, were also included in the study. The completed study updates the ground motion recommendations for the Operating Level Earthquake (OLE) and Contingency Level Earthquake (CLE) that are used in the seismic design of container wharves. In addition, the study includes recommendations for Design Earthquake (DE) per the current California Building Code (CBC 2019) and ASCE 7-16.

The presentation will discuss the findings of the PWGMS update and the application of the results to various Port facilities, such as buildings, wharves, roadway bridges, railroad bridges, and other structures. The presentation will be given by Joel Aguilar, P.E., S.E., MASCE (POLB), Arul K. Arulmoli, PhD, G.E., DGE, FASCE (EMI), and Omar A. Jaradat, PhD, P.E., DPE, MASCE (M&N)

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