Central Utah Branch invites you to join us for our luncheon at noon on April 18th
The presentation will be given by Burton Christensen PLS, with Sunrise Engineering. The title of his presentation will be High Density Aerial Mapping in difficult situations.
Brief: Burt will be presenting on a recent project where daytime UAV flights were not possible. His team utilized High Density Aerial Mapping, during a brief nighttime window.
Bio: Burt has over 27 years of experience in survey and remote sensing, and over 17 as the Survey Department Manager at Sunrise, directing survey projects across the United States, employing most of the survey technologies available today, often under specifications approaching the limits of what is possible with current technology. He has developed geodetic control networks throughout the intermountain west. Completed high profile 3D laser scanning projects, including mines, bridges, rails, dams, oil refineries, & power plants, including projects with Rio Tinto and other precious metal mines inside and outside of the United States.
He works on emergency bridge failure/flood response projects for Railroads. He served as an expert witness for accident reconstruction, and an errors and omissions case, involving a multibillion dollar semiconductor. Has worked on military projects, including chemical weapons disposal, unexploded ordnance and weapons storage. Energy projects from renewables, hydro, natural gas, coal and uranium enrichment. Gas compressor stations, Lithium plants, Accelerated Bridge Construction, Archeology sites, Petroglyphs, historic preservation, Louisiana state museum and sports hall of fame, ATF National Headquarters, etc..
Join us for our luncheon at noon on April 18th to see this exciting dataset and some other recent projects.