October 11, 2023 MD General Section Event

When:  Oct 11, 2023 from 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Maryland Section

Join us for our monthly PDH & Networking Event!

Including: Student Night & Career Fair, and Swearing In of Officers

Ager Road Green 

Complete Streets Project

Presented by: Stephanie Walder & Russell Anderson, PE

October Section PDH & Networking Event

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Location:  The Engineer's Club
Garrett Jacobs Mansion
11 W. Mt Vernon Place, Baltimore, MD

Topic: The Ager Road Green-Complete Streets Project is a powerful example of a design to create a more connected, inclusive community, and fulfills its purpose and need to improve safety, accessibility, functionality, and the aesthetics of Ager Road and adjacent streets in Hyattsville, MD. With a total project length of 1.57 miles, the scope includes substantial roadway work, including a road diet to reduce speeding; upgraded traffic signals and intelligent transportation system (ITS) devices; removal of parallel service roads to provide green space and continuous six-foot wide ADA compliant sidewalks; bridge repair; drainage; LED street lighting; stormwater management (SWM); bus shelters; bicycle lanes; landscaping; and new linkages to the Anacostia Regional Trails Network. This truly is the County’s hallmark green-complete streets project that addresses the needs and enhances the daily lives of its underserved residents through multi-modality and enhanced environmental protections. It brings the County assets to a state of good repair and promotes economic development for its residents.

This project has been selected as one out of eleven Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement (OCEA) Honor Award recipients! Of these honor award recipients, one will be selected as this year’s overall winner. Stay tuned and wish the team luck! They will find out the results at the OPAL Gala on October 20th.

About the Speakers:

Stephanie Walder, Project Manager, Prince George’s County, Office of Engineering and Project Management (OEPM), Department of Public Works & Transportation (DPW&T), Highway and Bridge Design Division (HBDD).

Stephanie has over 30 years of public and private sector transportation planning and engineering experience in the mid-Atlantic region. Stephanie has been at Prince George’s County DPW&T for 7 years and delivering projects from concept to concrete for the Capital Improvement Program. Stephanie’s background is multi-modal and she brings creativity and collaboration to her work and projects. She lives in Anne Arundel County with her husband. Her two daughters are currently in college, one at Drexel in Philadelphia, her alma mater, and the other at Hofstra in Long Island where Stephanie was born.

Russell Anderson, PE, Senior Engineer, Wallace Montgomery

Russ has over 25 years of experience in civil and transportation engineering.  His first two years were as a Project Engineer for Bell Constructors, building a consolidated laboratory facility on the NIH campus in Bethesda MD.  He then worked for 11 years as a transportation design engineer, transportation planner, and team leader at the Maryland Department of Transportation, State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA).  During his time at MDOT SHA, he began teaching the undergraduate senior capstone design class at the University of Maryland, a position he held until Spring 2022.  He has worked as a Senior Engineer for Wallace Montgomery since 2012, delivering context-sensitive, multi-modal solutions for state, county, and municipal clients.  


The Engineer's Club - Garrett Jacobs Mansion
11 W. Mt. Vernon Place
Baltimore, MD 21201

Pricing Information

Registration Price
Student $35.00
Member $50.00
Non-member $65.00
Staff Class $0.00
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