Structures Congress

Structures Congress

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Structures Congress Presenters - Share Your Session!

  • 1.  Structures Congress Presenters - Share Your Session!

    Posted 04-16-2019 10:26 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 04-16-2019 10:25 AM
    If you are presenting at Structures Congress next week, please reply to this thread with your topic, date/time of <g class="gr_ gr_2008 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Grammar only-ins doubleReplace replaceWithoutSep" id="2008" data-gr-id="2008">session</g>, and what attendees can expect to get out of your session.

    I'm starting to consider which sessions I'll attend, and figure I'm not the only one. I can certainly read the program descriptions, so what I'd really like to know for the "what attendees should expect" part is: What about your topic/presentation is so compelling that I shouldn't miss it?

    Stephanie Slocum P.E.
    Engineers Rising LLC

  • 2.  RE: Structures Congress Presenters - Share Your Session!

    Posted 04-16-2019 12:46 PM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 04-16-2019 12:45 PM
    Hi Stephanie,

    You are welcome to the presentation on anchorage of headed reinforcing bars in concrete. I believe you will find it quite helpful as it will cover the new versatile design provisions for headed bars to overcome the shortcomings (inefficiency and congestion) of hooked bars and existing headed bar design provisions. The research conducted to develop the new design provisions is the largest of its kind with the tests of more than 650 full-scale specimens. Based on the findings from this research, ASTM A970 has been updated for head dimension requirements (ASTM A970-18) and the upcoming version of the ACI 318 Building Code (ACI 318-19) will incorporate the proposed design provisions. 

    Please visit the above link for detail.

    See you in Orlando.

    Krishna Ghimire, Ph.D., M. ACI, AM. ASCE
    Kansas State University

  • 3.  RE: Structures Congress Presenters - Share Your Session!

    Posted 04-16-2019 06:31 PM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 04-16-2019 07:49 PM
    I will be presenting on Friday 9:30 AM as part of the "Design & Construction Lessons & Considerations" session, on the LaGuardia Airport Parking Garage (link below), focusing on the unique challenges and issues associated with  planning, designing and constructing a major airport facility based on a public-private-partnership (PPP) method of delivery.
    The punch line being "Is it a Good Idea?"; you will need to attend to find out !!!
    thumbnail image

    Camille Bechara, P.E., CCM
    Vice President, PPM, Sr, Technical Principal
    Northeast Manager-Transportation Facilities
    617-960-4854 Direct
    617-461-7284 Cell
    75 Arlington Street
    Boston, MA 02116

  • 4.  RE: Structures Congress Presenters - Share Your Session!

    Posted 04-17-2019 07:49 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 04-17-2019 07:49 AM