Count me in. I'm assuming Fraser, that as Chair of the Florida ASCE Government Relations Committee our efforts will be coordinated with the Committee. BTW, I'd like to join the Committee as a member. Can do?
Bevin Beaudet P.E.,M.ASCE
Bevin A. Beaudet, P.E., LLC.
West Palm Beach FL
Original Message:
Sent: 05-30-2019 11:38
From: Fraser Howe
Subject: Florida Legislation
On behalf of the Florida Section, In the 2019 regular session of the Florida Legislature I tracked more than 100 bills that could affect Florida's infrastructure and the practice of engineering in our state. I am now retired, so have the time to devote this. however I want to involve more people next year.
So, I want to use ASCE Collaborate, through this committee, to discuss how to improve this effort in 2020. My goal has been to develop position statements on pending bills, based on ASCE's Public Policy Statements, that members can use to advocate to our State Senators & Representatives. Please read my summary of the last session in the June edition of the Florida Section Communique, available through our website ASCE Florida Section.
My first request is that you reply with your thoughts on whether you would use such position statements to talk with your representatives in the Legislature.
Fraser Howe P.E.,F.ASCE