Mexico Section

Mexico Section

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Exploring the Benefits of ASCE for Mexico: What Can We Gain?

  • 1.  Exploring the Benefits of ASCE for Mexico: What Can We Gain?

    Posted 04-23-2024 12:09 PM

    Welcome to this discussion about the potential benefits that the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) could bring to Mexico! As members and enthusiasts of civil engineering, we recognize ASCE as a global leader in the field of civil engineering. But how could it positively impact Mexico?

    Here are some questions to reflect on and discuss:

    1. What ASCE programs, resources, or initiatives could be particularly useful for Mexican civil engineers?
    2. How could collaborations between ASCE and Mexican institutions strengthen education and research in civil engineering in Mexico?
    3. What networking and professional development opportunities could ASCE offer to Mexican civil engineers?
    4. How could ASCE's best practices and standards contribute to advancing infrastructure and sustainability in Mexico?
    5. What challenges might arise when implementing ASCE's presence in Mexico, and how could we overcome them?

    We look forward to hearing your opinions, ideas, and experiences on this exciting topic! Together, we can explore how ASCE could be an invaluable resource for the civil engineering community in Mexico and contribute to the country's sustainable growth and development.

    Javier Herrera Ing., M.ASCE
    ASCE Mexico Section President