Structures Congress

Structures Congress

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  • 1.  Committee Meetings

    Posted 02-24-2020 04:54 PM
    Committee Chairs: Are you looking for new members?
    Structures Congress Attendees: ​Are you interested in joining a committee?

    The Public Relations Committee is always looking for eager volunteers to bring fresh perspectives to our committee.  Please consider joining us at our committee meeting on Sunday, April 5th, at 10 AM CST.  The meeting will be held in the New York Room of the Union Station Hotel.

    Committee Chairs - please feel free to respond to this thread with your committee meeting time and date if you're looking for new members!

    Angela Fante P.E., M.ASCE
    Philadelphia PA

  • 2.  RE: Committee Meetings

    Posted 02-29-2020 10:56 AM
    I am the Chair of the Cold Formed Members Committee.

    This will be the first time that our committee will be formally meeting at Structures Congress since we already meet twice a year in conjunction with the AISI Committee on Specifications and Committee on Framing Standards Code Committee meetings held in February and July.

    I am also the Chair of Subcommittee 3 - Connections and Joints for the AISI COS.

    I decided to have a formal meeting at the Structures Congress in an effort to expand our committee to those who are interested and/or using cold-formed steel in their design office.

    Our Committee will be meeting Sunday, April 5 from Noon till 2pm.

    Please join us and if you are interested in joining the committee please send me an eMail:


    Perry S Green, PhD, PE, F.ASCE, F.SEI