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Mr. Mitchell M Winkler, P.E., R.Eng, M.ASCE

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Mr. Mitchell Winkler, P.E., R.Eng, M.ASCE

My Content

1 to 20 of 40 total
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 05-24-2024 11:10 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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It's simple: technical competency and a strong track record of delivery and achievement. Furthermore, you need good communication skills and the ability to tell others how your contributions have moved the bottom line. ------------------------------ Mitch Winkler P.E.(inactive), M.ASCE Houston, ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 06-28-2023 11:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Thanks for the insightful post. In my view, individuals/companies will find themselves obsolete if they are not using ChatGPT, or thinking about how it can replace their role or specific tasks. The more I hear about what ChatGPT can do, the more I see its transformative and disruptive possibilities. ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 01-27-2023 10:20 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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A great resource is the ASCE Guidelines for Engineering Grades. See This resource provides sense of what progressive responsibility entails in measurable terms. While not perfect – nothing ever is – it provides ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 01-23-2023 08:03 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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I learned about this from some friends back in December and have gotten on the platform a couple of times out of curiosity. Prompted by your post I entered the following query "how do you find and retain change makers in an organization" that some might recognize as a question ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 06-28-2022 01:32 PM
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Thanks for sharing you research. I knew implicitly that 'Ing' at the end of someone's name (predominately Europe) designated that they were an an engineer but never stopped to ask why. Shame on me. ------------------------------ Mitch Winkler P.E., M.ASCE Houston, TX -------------------------- ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 05-11-2022 05:39 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Two information security tips while you are out of the office. The first is to not put your email address or phone number - or those for others - in your automatic out of office reply. The approach I followed was to identify an individual who was to be contacted in my absence if the need arose and to ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 03-28-2022 10:12 AM
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I have mixed feelings about the subject. The 'longer' days in during the winter months would be a definite plus; however, the downside is the house feeling like a cave when one wakes up and a dark commute (or in my case having to pack my car to go cycling while it's still dark). I have not done a scientific ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 12-03-2021 09:42 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Taking a positive slant on this topic If you are are seasoned civil engineer, Collaborate is a low-cost way of giving back to the profession and being leaders. It can be as simple as lending your support where you see a good idea or best practice discussed or providing expert perspective on a topic. ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 10-14-2021 02:07 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Good communication is essential. On top of this, the number one tool I use is mindset that asks 1) where are we now, 2) where do we want to go and 3) how do we get there. This approach has never let me down for helping bring a group or discussion from chaos to clarity. From my personal experience, just ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 10-01-2021 02:03 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Stu: Great article and approach. I would expand written guidance to include process maps. These could show workflow steps at a proscriptive or performance based level depending upon task and skill and experience of those performing the work. The normal sequence of a project follows a process (e.g., assessment, ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 09-07-2021 05:48 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Being respectful of the human and material tragedies associated with major events such as Ida, I think there's huge value for practicing civil engineers – regardless of specialty - to take stock of what happened and ask questions including why did it happen and could it have been prevented. This includes ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 09-02-2021 09:05 AM
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To add to the conservation: A leader in one of my former organizations use to say "feedback is a gift". This was usually targeted at the receiver, to soften a possibly difficult message. Feedback is also a git that leaders can deliver as a means of developing staff and bringing out the best in individuals ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 08-30-2021 08:30 AM
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This is a great question and has prompted the following observations. 1. A performance review is a lagging indicator. 2. In an ideal world, performance is directly linked to delivering results and delivering on promises. 3. Progression generally requires looking ahead to the next career rung and ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 08-04-2021 10:06 PM
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Your post brings back a lot of bad memories: of meetings having gone off the rails, meetings turning into 'talk shops' and meetings getting hijacked. As a pre-emptive step, always make sure you have a clear set of of objectives and end in mind going into the meeting and it's been well-communicated. When ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 07-12-2021 08:57 AM
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I have mixed feelings on company swag. A lot of stuff I received - I'm sure all given with good intentions - fell into the category of stuff I really did not need. Also, a lot of was junk. Like Chris's pen comment, no multitool is better than a cheap knock off. I think swag is best when it's thoughtful, ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 06-27-2021 02:00 PM
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Hi Charles, Here are a few suggestions. The book suggestions are not about engineering, but you will soon see the parallels and connections. Learn about the role cognitive biases play in human behavior. Three fun books: Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein Thinking Fast and Slow ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 06-27-2021 02:00 PM
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Growing up I spent countless weekends with my Father and sometimes Mother and siblings exploring the remnants of the Middlesex Canal. The canal, opened in 1803, connected textile mills in Lowell MA to Boston Harbor. It operated for about 50 years before being replaced by rail. It's been recognized by ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 06-21-2021 05:30 PM
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I read the interview with Oliver Broadbent and watched the interview with Brent Darnell. They both articulate the need for ideation to solve the problems of today and tomorrow and cite the role that cognitive biases play in disabling new ideas. I thought Darnell provided a compelling list of attributes ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 06-02-2021 02:19 PM
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This is a great question and I hope will spark some good discussion and insight. I think social media has many virtues - an example for me is staying in touch with far flung friends and acquaintances - but like anything, needs to be used carefully and intentionally. To this latter point, social media ...
Posted By Mitchell Winkler 05-12-2021 10:04 AM
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Greg, I think your response should be a must read for all practicing engineers. You also, in your last paragraph, expressed what I have always felt in far more professional terms than I might have used. Your characterization of the PDHs as prompt also resonates with me. While I find the annual ethics ...