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Sakira Del Rosario, A.M.ASCE

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Sakira Del Rosario, A.M.ASCE

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Posted By Sakira Del Rosario 11-08-2021 11:04 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Good morning, I've attached my college resume (it includes only work relevant to my course of study and prioritizes the education section first). Any suggestions welcome, Thank you ------------------------------ Sakira Del Rosario S.M.ASCE White Plains NY ------------------------------
Posted By Sakira Del Rosario 11-08-2021 11:04 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Good morning, I'm submitting my college resume here for your review (it prioritizes the education section and only contains relevant courses/work pertaining to my field of study) Suggestions welcome, Thank you ------------------------------ Sakira Del Rosario S.M.ASCE White Plains NY -- ...