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Dr. Jesse David Kamm, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE

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Dr. Jesse Kamm, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE

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Posted By Jesse Kamm 03-06-2024 09:05 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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I taught engineering law at the masters level and ran a senior undergrad seminar splitting ethics and law kind of like you described for a few years. It's funny...I would have students argue different sides of the same coin and they would be fully convinced - on both sides - they were correct. Engineers ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 08-17-2023 11:18 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Let's try this again. Here's the wright brothers drawing. I call it "The FirstFlight Path". charcoal on 24x36 watercolor paper ------------------------------ Jesse Kamm PhD, PMP, A.M.ASCE Senior Vice President of Construction Management ------------------------------
Posted By Jesse Kamm 08-16-2023 10:54 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Heidi, The tones in the mountain are great! I've been experimenting with larger pieces lately with a storytelling element. Here's one I did after a visit to the outer banks in NC where the Wright Brothers tested their inventions. This one is charcoal on 24x36 watercolor paper ------- ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 10-28-2022 10:51 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Heidi, I love when you revive this topic! I've been exploring new mediums namely oils and charcoal. It's been a good stress break for me. This one was a request from my daughter: These two are sketches of my late grandparents. Here's two surf style "tube" paintings: My favorite one ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 04-11-2022 11:41 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Interesting discussion Christopher. The construct of professionalism is definitely changing. I recently looked at a firm that was interested to have me join them. On their website they all had sport coats sitting in a board room. I thought to myself "Nah, that's not me." Interestingly enough they were ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 04-06-2022 03:30 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Good topic. I find that natural curiosity is the key. It's why I like urban sketching and watercolor so much. If you just sit and just observe, deeper and deeper, noticing the shadows and the shade variations , the people, and the weird ways things are used, wired, or set up, then you get a lot of the ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 03-31-2022 03:17 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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I recently had a long discussion about this with some colleagues. There are some recent research on using AI to tell how novel a design is and it got me thinking. The paper was from an artist design perspective which seemed to advocate that novelty in a design iteration is the goal. In other words, a ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 02-15-2022 04:24 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Looks great Heidi! Keep sketching.. Keep the lines loose and flowing...let the washes flow and then layer for effects. Watercolors can be very freeing. It can be a challenge sometimes as people usually expect perfection. Especially engineers lol Here's some I did recently: Over winter break I even ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 07-28-2021 05:14 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Before college: I thought "Cool, I could design and build cool things with my hands in a respected profession." In Under grad: I discovered "oh, apparently actually building the stuff falls on technicians and I'm expected to be in an office running calculations and drawing programs" In Grad school ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 02-05-2021 09:23 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Themed attraction Is a great one If you're interested in theme park design - The hosts are a little more from the art and planning side since they are master planing engineers But I think that's good for engineers- plus yours truly was featured in an episode. I also really appreciate the Freakonomics ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 02-04-2021 04:04 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Heidi, I hear you've created more art since the last post. We'd love to see them. Here's my latest watercolor I did over winter break. ------------------------------ Jesse Kamm PhD, PMP, A.M.ASCE Senior Vice President of Construction Management ------------------------------
Posted By Jesse Kamm 10-15-2020 08:58 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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I love this topic and glad to see it come up again. I hope others share their creativity too. I find that since my "day job" can be so serious and exact in detail, I needed an outlet for creative "looseness". I've always loved impressionist paintings and I hope people "see what they want to see" in mine ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 10-14-2020 09:38 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Heidi, These are great!Keep sharing your art. I'm an urban sketcher and watercolor painter myself. I find that I mostly enjoy landscapes and urban scenes. I enjoy it a lot and have made it a mission of mine to incorporate art and storytelling into the projects we create. If you think about it philosophically, ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 09-15-2020 12:10 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Fun chart! I agree with @Chad Morrison about "no worries" being acceptable. Especially if you work with anyone in the surf community or island culture - I serve on the Board of Directors for a surf industry non-profit and there are a lot of "no worries" in emails and texts - lol. ​ ------------ ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 08-19-2020 02:28 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Tell me more about your question please? What do you mean by "certified or qualified"? I interpret the question to mean does a PM certification matter ? is that what you are asking? ------------------------------ Jesse Kamm PhD, PMP, A.M.ASCE Senior Vice President of Construction Management ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 08-19-2020 02:28 PM
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Unfortunately, urban planning isn't my expertise so I'm not able to add any recommendations. Is there are a certain aspect of urban planning that captures your interest? There are so many lessons to be learned through case studies of major cities (like London and Paris for example) and the intersection ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 08-19-2020 02:28 PM
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Hi Oahn, Having a solid technical base is a must for a PM in my opinion. Some of the best PM's have a wide array of technical diversity, meaning they dabbled in a lot of things but never really became the expert. Remember the main goal of a PM is to "guide the plane to a safe landing". We do that primarily ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 08-18-2020 08:54 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hi @Julian Valencia Thanks for the question and congrats on the increased responsibility. Starting with smaller projects and increasing risk and complexity as you get better at PM is exactly how one gets the right experience. In my opinion, the PE and the PMI exams are very different credentials, not ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 08-17-2020 05:54 PM
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Hi Danielle, The technical work is still there it's just different now. I pop in and out of it throughout the day. I'm not analyzing ​​details or calculations too often and when I do it's usually just to review something, look for problems, and move on. I'd say it's about 25% of my daily work. I travel ...
Posted By Jesse Kamm 08-17-2020 01:12 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hi Kelly, Thanks for the questions and congrats on your new role as a PM! My response to some of these questions might overlap a little with my response to Dr. Nguyen's questions (such as the big rocks analogy). There's a phrase I say to my team so often they are probably tired of hiring it - "people ...