The UN Secretary General prepares a report on progress on all of the Goals each year; the report for 2017 is here. As background for the review of Goal 6 - Water & Sanitation at the High Level Political Forum in July (2018), UN Water prepared a synthesis report.
Goal 6 was discussed in June at the STI Forum and a summary can be found in the co convenors' report. A Global Solutions Summit was held just prior to the STI Forum focusing on ways to provide services where networked infrastructure - water and electricity might not be economically feasible.
At the HLPF, Goal 6 was reviewed along with the other Goals being reviewed during the first week. UN staff prepared a background paper for the review. The session began with a statistical overview. Northern Africa and western Asia have the highest levels of water stress. Water stress being the percentage of freshwater use over the freshwater available. Stefan Uhlenbrook made a presentation on the Synthesis Report. Points made: multi stakeholder partnerships; better monitoring and innovations; good water governance and eliminate inequalities; strengthen human and institutional capacity. The entire session can be viewed online.
In addition to the plenary session, there were numerous side events and special events dealing with Goal 6. The full program is here. Some of the side events and special events can be viewed on UN WebTV.
The second week of the HLPF is mainly devoted to reports by countries on their progress on the SDGs; all of the national reports can be found here. The Ministerial Declaration reaffirmed the commitment to ahieving the SDGs.