
How are U.S. Cities Approaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

By William Kelly posted 10-02-2017 09:10 AM


This will be the topic for a panel at the ASCE International Sustainable Infrastructure Conference (ICSI) on Friday, October 27, 2017. Many U.S. cities have ongoing sustainability programs; here is a list of 100 U.S. cities with identifiable sustainability programs. This list was not compiled systematically, and undoubtedly, there are many more cities with sustainability programs. However, only a few cities have explicitly addressed or tried to address the UN SDGs;  this could change with the recently published U.S. Cities Sustainable Development Goal Index  (pdf file) by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) as part of their USA Sustainable Cities Initiative.  Cities on the list of 100 were contacted and asked how they were doing on Goals 9 and 11.  Although many cities replied that they were not aware of the SDGs,  some cities replied with a complete mapping of their ongoing activities to the SDGs. How is your city doing on sustainability and the SDGs?

