Dear ASCE-EWRI Members:
I have always believed that people join ASCE & EWRI for two reasons: the technical information exchange and the networking/fellowship. Even though we may live and practice on different parts of the planet, EWRI is working to make that physical distance inconsequential.
We are very pleased to present you with a new trial member benefit that we hope will help you and all of our members with professional development and networking. We are now launching a trial online collaboration website called EWRI COLLABORATE, which we aim to develop into one of the most powerful member benefits in ASCE-EWRI’s history. It will be your connection to an incredible resource – 20,000+ of your colleagues who share your challenges, uncertainties and successes - a place to go to share your questions, find credible sources and references, and hear from some of the national and international experts in our profession.
We are excited to enter into this new trial phase of member collaboration by providing ASCE-EWRI members an environment to connect, engage and share experiences, industry information and best practices, seek and share advice, exchange resources and build relationships. It is a platform that readily connects you to not only member posts, but easily accessible and archived technical documents, videos and comments, all from one platform. This opportunity to engage is at no additional cost to you!
EWRI COLLABORATE is an evolving and experimental collaborative tool. New tools in the coming weeks and months may be introduced to enhance your experience. We need your feedback and suggestions on how we can make EWRI COLLABORATE help you to do your work better on a daily basis.
Karen Kabbes, P.E., D.WRE, ENV SP, M.ASCE
ASCE-EWRI President (2013-2014)