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Dr. George Annandale, D.Eng., P.E., F.ASCE


Dr. Annandale is an engineer, author and speaker with 39 years of experience as a civil engineer specializing in water resources engineering. His speaking engagements include keynote addresses at national and international conferences. Three books he authored are:

Annandale, G. 2013. Quenching the Thirst: Sustainable Water Supply and Climate Change, CreateSpace, Charleston, NC.

Annandale, G.W. 2006. Scour Technology, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Annandale, G.W. 1986, Reservoir Sedimentation, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

International Water Power and Dam Construction named Dr. Annandale as one of 20 engineers, internationally, that had the greatest influence on dam engineering in the past decade for contributions he made in reservoir sedimentation management and scour technology. He is known for the development of the Erodibility Index Method that can be used to determine the erodibility of any earth material, including rock. The method has been accepted by the engineering profession, is used nationally and internationally for design and safety assessment of infrastructure and is included in federal and state manuals and guidelines.

Dr. Annandale consults internationally and has worked on projects in numerous countries including the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Switzerland, Iran Jaya, Kalimantan, Sumbawa, the Philippines, Morocco, Kenya, Malawi, Haiti, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, South Africa, Israel, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Laos and Zaire.

Specialties: Scour of rock, bulk water supply planning, river engineering, sediment transport, reservoir sedimentation management, climate change impact assessment.