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Hauber Global Advisors, LLC
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J. Grant Hauber, A.M.ASCE

Hauber Global Advisors, LLC


Seeking new opportunities after recently relocating from Manila to Boston, Massachusetts.

With over 25 years in infrastructure development and finance, covering the energy, transport, and water sectors, I have acted as project developer, financial advisor, project lender, equity investor, management consultant and policy advisor in the project finance and PPP business lines. Geographically, I have focused on the developing markets of Asia advising regional clients and supporting both inbound and outbound investment from/to North America and Europe.

Most recently I served the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as Principal Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Specialist helping our developing member country governments to garner private sector participation in infrastructure and public services. Covering both South and Southeast Asia, I supported central government PPP policy development, advising on laws, processes, institutional arrangements, and project development criteria for managing PPPs. On specific projects, I provided commercial/financial transaction advice, promoting robust project structures, tendering, documentation, and financial advice to help realize sustainable PPP projects.

As Technical Advisor to ADBs PPP Thematic Group, I supported bank-wide initiatives on PPP policy development and capacity building. In this role, I co-authored the Bank’s PPP Operational Plan 2012-2020 - a first amongst development finance institutions. As an internal advisor, I provided advice to ADB sector divisions on PPP project and policy design and designed and delivered training, outreach, and capacity building programs.

I am now seeking to apply my experience in PPP, energy and project finance from a North American base.