Jeffrey R. Keaton specializes in quantifying hazardous natural processes for siting and design of all types of facilities in all geologic environments. He has degrees in Geological Engineering from University of Arizona, Engineering (Geotechnical) from UCLA, and Geology from Texas A&M University. Keaton has been employed by consulting firms for over 45 years, and in Amec Foster Wheeler’s Los Angeles office of since July 2005 where he is a Principal Engineering Geologist. He is registered in several states as an Engineer and as a Geologist; he hold the Envision® Sustainability Professional (ENV SP) credential from the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure and is a Diplomate in Geotechnical Engineering (D.GE) of the Academy of Geo-Professionals. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of America and of the American Society of Civil Engineers, a member of ASCE’s Committee on Sustainability and is the chair of its Strategic Communications Subcommittee. He also is chair of the Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering Committee of ASCE’s Geo-Institute. He serves on the editorial board of Engineering Sustainability, which is published by the Institution of Civil Engineers (UK).