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Mr. Michael Byle, P.E., F.ASCE


Mike Byle has over 40 years of experience in civil and geotechnical engineering. He has broad based experience with deep technical understanding.  He began his career working with offshore structures, but has extended his experience into mining, highways, railroads, energy, and ports.  He is active in professional societies and published much of his work.  He works as a technical expert for complex civil, environmental, and geotechnical work including grouting, soil improvement, karst investigation and mitigation, underpinning, marine and waterfront structures, environmental remediation, groundwater, constructed wetlands, as well as stormwater management infiltration practices. He also has extensive experience in energy including wind energy facilities and foundations, coal handling facilities, gas development facilities, nuclear facilities, solar facilities, and offshore. He has published more than 30 technical articles on topics ranging from grouting and soil improvement, to slope stabilization, foundations, and engineering management. He also serves as a subject matter expert and expert witness for litigation, NPDES appeals, construction claims resolution, and technical review boards.

He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and the Rackham School of Graduate Studies.  He enjoys a technical challenge and resolving complex multidisciplinary issues and mentoring young engineers.  In his spare time he enjoys, fishing, music and model railroading.  

Specialties: Civil Geotechnical Engineering, Grouting, Soil Improvement, Karst, Remedial Construction, Waterfront Facilties, Stormwater Best Management Practices, Forensic and Expert Consulting, Management of complex multi-disciplinary projects, construction claims.