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Water Resources Solutions, LLC

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Mr. Donald Baker, Ph.D., P.E., CPESC, BC.WRE, M.ASCE

Water Resources Solutions, LLC


1 to 2 of 2 total
Posted By Donald Baker 01-23-2017 11:37 AM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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I concur with Dr. Ryan. Rachel should start that dialogue with her supervisor and move up the chain of command as necessary. This does not need to be and should not be an adversarial situation. Communication is always a good place to start. As for Rachel's liability, I don't believe that she has any ...
Posted By Donald Baker 05-23-2016 09:46 PM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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Hi Karen. Kansas City, Missouri, requires it to be used on many of their projects. There are several professionals here that have finished their certification because of this requirement. We are fortunate to have an Envision Trainer in the metro. This certification is on my list. ------------------------------ ...