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Virreinato 29
Fracc. Colonial Guanajuato
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Dr. Luzma Nava, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE



My primary research and professional interests include, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the study of water resources management, water governance, water security, and sustainable development practices. An interdisciplinary approach to water issues, emphasizing the iterative relationship between geography and political sciences, is crucial to bring together the stakeholders and to integrate their interests and perceptions into the decision-making process. The formulation of a set of policy recommendations aims to facilitate better understanding of water resources challenges and issues within the boundaries of any level of government and across borders in the context of climate change impacts.


Université Laval
Doctor of Philosophy, 2015
To 2015

Universite Du Quebec
Master of Science, 2008
To 2008

Universidad De Guanajuato
Bachelor of Science, 2001
To 2001

Job History

Environmental & Water Resources Institute, EWRI / ASCE
Chair, Border International Water Quality Standards Committee (BIWQ SC)
United States
October 2023 - present

Paso del Norte Water Task Force
United States
March 2016 - present

The Water Ethics Network
January 2013 - present

Institute for Environmental Systems Research at the University of Osnabrück
Case Study Expert/Consultant for the Rio Grande (U.S.)
June 2012 - present

Conahcyt - Universidad de Guanajuato
Research professor
Guanajuato, GUA, Mexico
October 2022 - present

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Guest Research Scholar - Water
Laxenburg, Austria
October 2016 - March 2024

Centro del Cambio Global y la Sustentabilidad, A.C. (CCGS)
Catedrática CONACYT /CONACYT Researcher
Villahermosa, TAB, Mexico
November 2017 - September 2022

American Society of Civil Engineers
Vice-Chair, Desalination and Water Reuse Committee (DWR)
October 2015 - September 2017