It's time to set ASCE's 2019 Priority Issues!
Every year, the Public Policy Committee invites ASCE members to weigh in on the importance of public policy issues that affect the civil engineering profession through a short survey. The results are used to develop the annual Priority Issues lists, which guide ASCE's lobbying efforts at the state and federal levels. Members' participation in past years' surveys has helped ensure that "Clean Water, Drinking Water and Wastewater Issues" are on the priority list; please take a few moments to participate in this year's survey to secure these issues on ASCE's 2019 Priority Issues list.
Check your inbox or visit to take the survey. Once you've provided your feedback we encourage you reach out to fellow ASCE members in your network (by e-mail or social media) and ask them to take the survey as well.
Thank you in advance for participating in this year's Priority Issues Survey!
Natalie Mamerow Aff.M.ASCE
Senior Manager, Federal Government Relations
Washington DC