Hi Glenn,
I don't know about that study but here is some relevant information. Several years ago I Developed equations and charts to evaluate allowable Curve Number reduction of impervious and pervious areas due to implementation of various LID techniques. Here is the reference to it (it should be available online):
Zomorodi, K. 2004 “Curve Number and Groundwater Recharge Credits for LID Facilities in New Jersey”, Proceedings of the Conference “Putting the LID on Stormwater Management!” The Inn and Conference Center- Marriott, College Park, Maryland, September 21-23, 2004. Proceedings published electronically on a CD, to reach this paper on the CD first select “Program and BIOS” and then “Read BIOS and papers”. pp. 508-514.
Kaveh Zomorodi, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE
Senior Hydrologist
Fairfax VA
(703) 849-0336
Original Message:
Sent: 05-24-2016 12:12
From: Glenn Moglen
Subject: NRCS curve numbers and green infrastructure
Hello Everyone,
I can't remember where I heard it, but at the Congress I heard a brief mention about somebody or some task committee working on/interested in developing curve numbers for either green infrastructure or low impact development. Did I hear that correctly? Is there a group working on this? If so please let me know, and maybe provide a very brief overview of the work that is being done. Thank you!
- Glenn
Glenn Moglen Ph.D., P.E., F.EWRI, F.ASCE
Professor and Laboratory Director
Virginia Tech
Manassas, VA 20110
(703)361-5606 EXT 142