For infiltration systems, I think the main thing is make sure it dewaters/drains before mosquitos can propagate. Here's a response we recently included for an FAQ (
If properly designed, constructed, and maintained, BGSI should not promote mosquito breeding. BGSI
systems that are not intended to have prolonged ponding should typically empty within 3 days
(mosquitoes require standing water to be present for greater than 7 days to grow) and should be checked
frequently to ensure they are emptying as expected. BSGI that holds water for prolonged periods (for
example, wet ponds, wetlands, and cisterns) must use other methods to prevent mosquito growth, such
as screening, establishing a natural predator population, and/or appropriate mosquito specific larvicides.
It should be noted that mosquitos are present in Miami Beach regardless of BGSI and people should take
appropriate precautions to prevent getting bitten (for information from Miami-Dade County, see
Andy Potts
Andrew Potts P.E., M.ASCE
Water Resources Principal Technologist
Philadelphia PA
Original Message:
Sent: 08-10-2021 03:49 PM
From: Bert Van Duin
Subject: Mosquitoes in underground infiltration chambers
I received an inquiry pertaining to the potential for nuisance due to mosquitoes proliferating in underground storage tanks / chambers, specifically those used for infiltration into the subsoils. Does anyone have any information to what extent this is indeed an issue, and what others may have done to tackle this?
Bert Van Duin P.Eng, M.ASCE
Senior Development Engineer
City of Calgary Water Resources
Calgary AB