MBRs are a good technology but have very high capital and operating costs. The technology is very well understood. Companies like GE make excellent membranes. The negatives of this technology are costs. The positives are they produce high quality wastewater effluent which can be used for certain reuse applications. Please let me know your intended use and I can supply further information.
Jeanette Brown D.Eng., P.E., D.WRE, BCEE, F.ASCE
Research Assistant Professor
Darien CT
Original Message:
Sent: 07-08-2017 04:42
From: Shivshant Tripathi
Subject: Membrane Bioreactor
I wanted to know about Membrane Bioreactor ofter known as MBR technique for Wastewater Management.I have researched about this technique and found that this is one of the best methods for Wastewater Management.I have little bit query about MBR, can anyone tell me about the pros and cons of this technique?
I also wanted to know though this is one of the best technique available then why most of the industries don't use it?
I am thinking of preparing a lab scale model for the same and someone has any knowledge about this topic then please enlighten me.
Shivshant Tripathi