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  • 1.  Hacienda Vieja area - background Google map with topo layer

    Posted 04-19-2016 05:07 PM

    For Don Montagna, original requestor,

    Can you view the attached rough area map from Google Earth and mark in approximately where the Hill #1, Hill #2, water lines, and valley homes are?  The map may need be "zoomed out" to include all the area you are describing for the proposed new water line.

    The Adobe Acrobat Pro DC PDF topo layer on top of the Google map can be toggled on and off to show the terrain, and possibly estimate elevations (10 foot contours only).  The topo info is from the internet, El Salvador 1:50,000 Nueva Concepcion Sheet 2358 III, Edition 2, DMA, Revised 1983


    Phillip R. Sanders, P.E., M. ASCE

  • 2.  RE: Hacienda Vieja area - background Google map with topo layer

    Posted 04-20-2016 10:04 AM

    Please disregard this post, I intended it for the "El Salvador water flow question" thread.  Also, this info is for a different Hacienda Vieja area on Google Earth.  I will re-post into the correct thread, upload the info for the right Hacienda Vieja area, and copy Don Montagna, the original requestor.


    Phillip R. Sanders, P.E., M. ASCE