Phase 1 items should be much less expensive than phase 2 items. Phase 1 will include a team, and in Houston TX, would be about 3% of the construction cost estimate. Phase 2 is more complicated. Given that it is construction observation by what would probably be a professional engineer, with probably lots of overtime, you should be looking in the range of the median bill out rate for a civil engineer times 2. Generally this would mean the median salary x 2.5-3.5 x 2.. You need an engineer with a PE and 5-10 years experience. You can probably quarter this price by hiring someone for your staff to do all this stuff.
That being said, every project is different, and if full time observation and field engineering judgement is not required, you should be able to reduce the cost significantly, probably removing the price of the second person for overtime at least.
Dwayne Culp, Ph.D., Ph.D.,M.ASCE
Culp Engineering, LLC
Rosenberg TX
Original Message:
Sent: 05-03-2019 11:27
From: Wendy Weiman
Subject: Consulting Engineer Fees
I work for a small Water District and we are expanding our treatment plant, adding 4 new filters, upgrading pre-treatment as well as building new admin building and laboratories ($11 Million dollars is budgeted). We are trying to find some references that verify what a reasonable consulting engineering fee is for each of these two phases;
Phase 1 – 60% Design and Contractor selection
- Testing of facility, existing capacity stress tests, etc.
- All calculation for build-out treatment plant process design
- Consulting engineering (including electrical, architectural, structural, mechanical and process design) for 60% design
- CMaR (Contractor) selection (including development of contract documents and specifications, scheduling, permitting, and discipline coordination).
- Phase 2 – Construction Administration (approximately 18 - 22 months)
- Bring 60% design plans to final design, prepare final construction specification for the Contractor to develop the GMP coordinate and attend engineering and construct-ability work sessions with CMaR (Contractor) and District to develop project within District's budget
- Review equipment submittals, construction observation, review monthly pay application form CMaR, prepare responses to Request for Information (RFI), handle Change Orders
- Provide training to treatment plant process start-ups, close-out contract including walk-through and punch-list, assemble O&M manuals, warranties, prepare as-builts, state permitting requirements.
Does anyone have any industry documents (ASCE, APWA, AWWA, or other..) that we can reference for typical percentages we should expect to pay?
Thank you in advance!
Wendy Weiman, P.E.
Project Engineer
Golden CO