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Arun Kumar Rao, M.ASCE


I have over 40 years of experience in Airport Design, construction, safety audit and certification, having worked for about 15 years in India and abroad, and another 15+ years with the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) as the Chief of the Aerodromes and Ground Aids (AGA) Section in the Air Navigation Bureau.
Post my retirement, I have been a freelance consultant advising some civil aviation authorities and airports on safety aspects of airport design and operations. I am also an Instructor at the Singapore Aviation Academy on ICAO Annex 14 and Aerodrome Certification. I have carried similar assignment as an Instructor for Airports Council International (ACI). A prominent theme of my lectures and focus of my work is just not conformance with the safety specifications but also on the moral and ethical responsibility of airport professionals in ensuring that the fare paying passenger is not exposed to unnecessary risks due to cost considerations of implementing safety specifications and operational restrictions/procedures.