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Dr. Majed Al-Ghandour, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE


Majed Al-Ghandour currently serves as the Assistant Director of the Planning and Programming Division managing the Project Management and the Powell Bill Program with, NCDOT.  In this role, he oversees and directs both programs’ activities, not limited to state and federal policies, and the projects funding.  His 26 years’ work experience with the department include the areas of transportation planning, regional transportation modeling, traffic forecasting, travel demand modeling, traffic studies analysis, and project management and scheduling.  Majed brings a great systems and tools to manage NCDOT projects and to the Powell Bill Program.

Majed received a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the North Carolina State University. His area of interest is programming, data analytics and visualization, roundabouts, traffic safety, simulations, and funding optimizations and risk analysis.

Majed is a registered Professional Engineer at North Carolina State and in Commonwealth of Virginia. Dr. Al-Ghandour is currently holding as a Chair position for the Street and Highway Operations Committee of the Transportation and Development Institute (T&DI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers.  He is a member of the Access Management Committee at the Transportation Research Board (TRB). Dr. Al-Ghandour is also sitting as a Technical Panel member on several active researches for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). Dr. Al-Ghandour published 35 papers in published journal and conference proceedings.

Dr. Al-Ghandour is a member of the Project Management Institute and is a Certified Public Manager (CPM) and SAS Certified.   Dr. Al-Ghandour is a Visiting Lecturer, and adjunct Professor teaching Data Analytics for the MBA Graduates for the Poole College of Management and College of Engineering at NCSU teaches classes in computer programming, web developments, Data Analytics, Prediction Models, and Visualization.