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Dr. Majed Al-Ghandour, Ph.D., P.E.


1 to 4 of 4 total
​​Hello All, Just curious if any of you had an experience of bringing self-driving, low-speed, electric shuttle to your town/city/campus? What kind of preparation and arrangement are needed to run these on the streets? What challenges has your town faced? Does it work? Thank you, Majed ...
Thank you for all your inputs. I can see we have a good great web sites and guides resources related to the bike and pedestrian design and operations in Urban areas, but what about the practitioners? How they look at it! What is most important thing for them? cost, safety, operations or all. Any constraints ...
Hi, Does anyone have information on bike/ped operations best practices or examples or lessons learned from cities around the county? I'm really interested in starting a discussion on any key items that would be critical in improving bike/ped operations in urban streets. Thanks! ------------ ...
Hello All We got similar situation where some business owners have some concerns when the city repaved the two-lane street into divided two lane street. Also, when the city removed the traffic light and have a single roundabout! Good question. Majed ------------------------------ Majed ...