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Mr. Eugenio Alonso

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Mr. Eugenio Alonso

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Posted By Eugenio Alonso 02-08-2019 07:13 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Matias, There are so many factors that go into this question that there really isn't an answer. It depends on things like, experience, industry interests, self marketing (Linkedin is a powerful platform you should definitely be on). I can tell you New York is one of the higher paying states but ...
Posted By Eugenio Alonso 02-05-2019 10:31 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Class courses as in electives: Geo-technical engineering I & II, Finite Numerical methods, structural dynamics. steel design as undergrad. Building codes certification. Software, depending on what you like to specialize in: CivilFEM Finite element structural and geotechnical analysis and ...
Posted By Eugenio Alonso 01-30-2019 09:42 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Get familiar with as many as you can. If youre a student the amount of free subscriptions and training certifications are endless. Im not saying learn all of them, but get a feel or at least a look at what they are and do. Here are my recommendations: TRIMBLE. Anything with trimble, just follow them ...
Posted By Eugenio Alonso 01-30-2019 07:08 PM
Found In Library: Career By Design