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Dirk Lourens, EIT, R.A.

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Dirk Lourens, EIT, R.A.

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Posted By Dirk Lourens 11-10-2021 07:50 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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This study feedback has been excellent, but there can never be enough participants. If you haven't had a chance to contribute yet, now is the time - the study closes next week Friday, 19 November! More feedback from a wider audience is critical in promoting an impartial study. ------------ ...
Posted By Dirk Lourens 11-02-2021 09:43 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hello Llala. I would appreciate it very much if you would spread the word to new participants - thank you kindly for offering! My study is currently heavily skewed by many participants from one country (nice problem to have!), so the more new participants, the merrier. Also the wider the audience ...
Posted By Dirk Lourens 11-02-2021 09:42 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hi Charles, Excellent question. I've explored the use of RFID in AEC to varying degrees of depth and would like to say I believe it could benefit the entire arrangement of disciplines. Unfortunately, none of my old coursework videos explicitly broke it down by discipline, and my literature ...
Posted By Dirk Lourens 11-02-2021 09:42 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hi Christopher. Thank you for your suggestion! I have now posted there as well. I've been careful to not post it too much here, as the last thing I want to do is cause people to feel like I'm spamming. I hope the Professional and Career forum gains more participants! ------------------------------ ...
Posted By Dirk Lourens 10-19-2021 03:35 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hi ASCE community, I'm a new ASCE member. I am a building information management student from the University of Portsmouth, UK, and I'm carrying out a study on the industry perspective towards the use of RFID sensor technology in BIM construction projects. I'm trying to get more engagement with specific ...