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Mr. Persen Mosespaul

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Mr. Persen Mosespaul

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Posted By Persen Mosespaul 06-21-2019 08:09 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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You have indeed summarized the whole concept and approached what's needed by an engineer. But do grades during the degree relate to practicing civil engineering. i.e CGPA matter? YES and No. I will never regret my course of study or my grade. ------------------------------ Persen Mosespaul S.M.ASCE ...
Posted By Persen Mosespaul 06-21-2019 08:04 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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If you have a customer, then you're self-employed, and once you are licensed, there is no limit to the number of customers you can serve as a civil engineer. These are great opportunities for the self-employed with a reputation to attract steady work. At some point soon, incorporate your business. ...