Jaffer Almosawy, PE, ENV SP has over 12 years of experience on GCW’s Water/Wastewater team where he has been involved in the drafting and design of major local agency projects, including large-scale manhole and pipe rehabilitation projects. His work also consists of performing water network analyses, network planning and modeling, pressure valve design, wastewater master plans and studies, and shop drawing reviews for a numerous water/wastewater projects.
He has received national recognition for his achievements within the civil engineering profession and was named the 2021 Private Engineer of the Year by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Southern Nevada Branch and was also named one of ASCE's New Faces of Civil Engineering in 2018. Locally, Jaffer has also been recognized by the ASCE Southern Nevada Branch as the recipient of the 2017 Community Involvement Award and the 2018 Young Engineer of the Year. He has served as President of the ASCE Southern Nevada Branch Younger Member Forum, and is currently Past-Chair and Western Geographic Member of ASCE’s Committee on Younger Members, Practitioner Advisor for the UNLV ASCE Student Chapter, and serves as a Mentor for the Southern Nevada Future Cities Competition.