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Michael J Walkley, PA
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Jeffrey Walkley, P.E., S.E., M.ASCE

Michael J Walkley, PA


Jeff's engineering experience started as a kid in his father's engineering office playing with drafting tools. While in college studying engineering, Jeff worked as an iron worker and steel erector/fabricator, receiving his welding certification. His experience in the construction industry helped him provide practical and economical designs for customers. Over his 16 year career, Jeff has personally worked on over 2,000 jobs of various sizes with scopes including analysis, design, forensics, inspection, and project management. These jobs included new and existing buildings and bridges of varying types of construction and scale. Jeff is known for his ability to think outside the box, his practical approach to construction challenges, and his ability to help the customer achieve their goals with the tools that they possess. These are the attributes he hopes to pass on to future engineers.